GIVE THE GIFT OF FRANCE - effortless & elevated

Mediterranean Chicken “en Papillote”

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Have you heard about the popular book called French Women Don’t Get Fat? I always find that title pretty funny and scary for actual French women! I will not say I have the answer- Mireille the author probably does – but, here’s a delicious, meaty and HEALTHY dish. Because yes, this easy recipe is yummy and pretty good for your silhouette! My secret? Cooking (almost) everything “en Papillote”. This simple cooking method steams the food inside its paper package. This classic French method of cooking delivers intense flavor, elegant results and preserves the best of each ingredient. So give it a try, and I can promise you, these tasty packages will be your next dieter’s BFF!

Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 30 min

Ingredients for 2
2 boneless, skinless chicken breast
6 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 small zucchini, cut into julienne strips
½ onion, sliced thin
4-5 button or cremini mushroom slices
2 tbsp Black Olive Tapenade
2 tablespoon Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
2 slices of lemon

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Have on hand two 16 inch pieces of parchment paper.
2. Place each piece of parchment paper on a work surface. Use the cut vegetables to make a bed in the center of each paper. Sprinkle olive oil, salt and pepper according to your own preferences. Top with the chicken breast, add and spread over the poultry the Black Olive Tapenade
3. Lift the wider edge of the parchment paper and fold it over the top. Crimp the edges by pleating them over, or secure with string. There should be enough space between the ingredients and edge of the parchment paper for the pouches to puff.
4. Transfer the packets to rimmed baking sheets. Bake for 30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
5. To serve, place the Papillotes on 2 plates. Using a kitchen shears or a sharp knife tip to open packets at table.

Bon Appétit!

Zoé Capdevila - Bon Appétit BoxZoé Capdevila

She is the co-founder of Bon Appétit Box. She was born & raised in Montpellier in the South of France and then spent 5 years exploring the culinary offerings of Paris. In her free time she loves to walk on the beach watching the sea scenery in every season. When she comes back to France, her favorite thing is to sit on terrace with friends and enjoy some cheese (she’s a fan of Roquefort!) with a glass of red wine of course!

The post Mediterranean Chicken “en Papillote” appeared first on Bon Appétit Box Gourmet French Food Gift Subscription Boxes.

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