GIVE THE GIFT OF FRANCE - effortless & elevated

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Champagne

Posted by Lifestyle Blogger on

Last updated, March 4, 2021

As you probably know, wine is more than just a passion for French people, it’s a lifestyle. Only a few decades ago, French schools were offering water mixed with wine at lunch -kind of the French version of a soda! In vino veritas, as the popular Latin saying goes. And today, as a French wine lover, I’ve got 3 truths of my own about that liquid grape goodness. The must of the must: Champagne!

1. It was discovered by a (now famous) French monk: Dom Pierre Pérignon

During the Middle Ages, the best vineyards were originally owned by monasteries. As an early advocate of organic wine-making, Dom Pierre Pérignon accidentally produced a specific type of sparkling wine, champagne, in the late 17th century while experimenting new methods of wine-making.


2. It is the most popular wine in France

80% of the French population said they drink Champagne annually, so more than the ones drinking red or white wine.  All over the world, this sparkling wine is considered to be a drink of celebration and success and is often given as wine wedding gifts. It holds the quintessence of the French art-de-vivre in every glass.


3. It can only be produced in France

Indeed, as inimitable as it is, a lot of other sparkling wines are enjoyed on the world’s table. I’m thinking about Prosecco from Italy or  Cava from Spain. But according to the French law, like cognac produced in Cognac, only champagne produced in the Champagne region can be called and marketed as such. Any producer outside the region who insists on calling his bubbly or sparkling wine champagne is guilty of misrepresentation.  So next time you go to the restaurant and see a champagne from everywhere except France, you’ll be the (only) one to know that this is not true Champagne!


Voila! That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed these fun facts about one of my favorite wine. And do you know what is better than Champagne? Champagne with food, of course! You can also check out some of our wine & food pairings.




Bertrand - Founder of Bon Appétit Box

Bertrand Corp

He is the co-founder of Bon Appétit Box. Raised in the Languedoc-Roussillon, South of France, he spent 5 years exploring the wine & food offerings of Paris. He is truly passionate about wine, grape variety & terroir and he is always trying new juices! From Burgundy to Sonoma, he loves to spend his weekends visiting new wineries and meeting winemakers. For their complexity & minerality, whites from Collioure are his favorite!

The post 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Champagne appeared first on Bon Appétit Box Gourmet French Food Gift Subscription Boxes.

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